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Saved search

Do you want to get emails when there are new spaces available in specific places? Login and have the ability to save searches, update frequency or emails and remove them.

  1. Log into your sharedspace account Sharedspace Login. If you do not have one already, create a sharedspace account here.

  2. Go to Sharedspace Listings and start searching. When you have your specific search defined, there is a saved search button to the right hand side of the search box. Saved search button

  3. Once clicked it will tell you that the search is saved. It should now appear in the your account section under saved search.

Viewing your saved searches

  1. Log into your sharedspace account Sharedspace Login. If you do not have one already, create a sharedspace account here.

  2. Click on the saved search button the left hand side and you will see all of your saved searches. Saved searches

  3. Each saved search will show you what the saved search is for, plus the frequency of when you will receive an email if there is a new space available. You can click on the view listings button to replicate saved search and view all listings.

  1. Log into your sharedspace account Sharedspace Login. If you do not have one already, create a sharedspace account here.

  2. Click on the saved search button the left hand side and you will see all of your saved searches. Saved searches

  3. To update how often you receive emails you can click on the frequency you would like then click Update. The options are daily, every 3 days or weekly.

  1. Log into your sharedspace account Sharedspace Login. If you do not have one already, create a sharedspace account here.

  2. Click on the saved search button the left hand side and you will see all of your saved searches. Saved searches

  3. To remove a saved search you can click on the X in the top right hand side of a saved search or you can click the Remove Search button at the bottom of the saved search. Both will remove the saved search and you wont receive any more emails. Saved search remove

Having issues?

If you have any issues, please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

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