
Password reset for your Sharedspace account

A Sharedspace account allows you to create a listing, save searches and receive fortnightly updates on the what's been happening.

Password reset your account

  1. Go to Reset Password.
  2. Enter your email address and fill out the captcha.
  3. Click Submit to process the request.
  4. We will send an email to change your password. Check your junk or spam if this email does not appear in your inbox.
  5. Click on the link at the bottom of the email which will open a new tab. Password reset screen
  6. Your verfication code will be pre filled. You are required to input your username which is present in the email sent to you.
  7. Once processed correctly you will be taken to the password reset page where you can input your new password. Reset password confirmed

Didn't receive a password reset email?

Sometimes for reasons outside of our control an email may end up in your spam folder, so it is best to check that this hasn't happened to one of our emails. Other reasons for not receiving an email might be that you entered an incorrect email address.

If you have any issues, please contact us and we will be happy to help you.
