Manage your listings

Cancelling subscription

Filled your space and need to cancel your subscription? Follow this simply step by step guide to remove your listing from sharedspace.

You should know!

The following categories are subscription categories: Event, Meeting, Storage, Studio, Commercial Kitchen and Shoot Locations. If your listing isn't in one of these categories you will not be able to cancel your listing through this process.

How to cancel my subscription

  1. Log into your sharedspace account Sharedspace Login.

  2. Access your account section and click the vertical ellipsis on the top right hand side of the listing. Then click on the cancel subscription link. Cancel listing option

  3. Click on the cancel subscription button. Cancel subscription button

  4. A pop up will appear giving you an option to keep your listing live until the end of the bill cycle or disable your listing immediately.
    Listing cancellation popup

  5. Once you have selected your preferred option to cancel you will receive an email explaining what you have chosen and when you listing will expire and end.

Having issues?

If you have any issues, please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

Upgrading subscription